Monday, June 4, 2007

Google Reader

What is all this stuff about RSS (really simple syndication) and what’s it got to do with me, you ask. First came web sites. But the problem was that a web site would change and the only way for you to know was to keep visiting it. That’s boring. Then came email mailing lists. The upside with them is that you find out about changes when they happen, not when you remember to look. The downside is of course, spam and spam filters.

The new wave is RSS where you subscribe to a website and get the content through a reader. Almost all readers I’ve heard about cost money and put the new web content in your email in-box. But Google’s Reader is free. You simply go to and sign up. Then you tell it what sites you want to follow (this is very simple). If the sites support RSS or Atom feeds, then you’re done. (If not, well, I’m sorry.) Now you just go to your Google reader site when you want something to read and everything that has been added to these sites shows up all in one place.

Google Reader works great with blogs (like this one) and sites like,,, and many others that you can find just by clicking Browse. If you want to be informed when a blog has changed, add it to your Google Reader feeds and you’ll know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.